Posted: September 17, 2012 in Uncategorized


Dear Members and Supporters,

I am absolutely happy and honoured to extend my warmest Congratulations to you all on the historic 40th Anniversary of the Formation of the EPRP.

This Party was not formed out of a choice. It was out of existing objective and subjective realities, and the dire obligation to give structured shape to the popular struggle for the emancipation of our greatly oppressed masses. It was out of the natural and scientific evolution of spontaneous popular revolts and resistance for equality and freedom.

In the 1950s, few enlightened elites such as Girmame Neway and Workineh Gebeyehu started a struggle against the Feudal rule. Even General Mengistu Neway, who was the most privileged Head of the Imperial Guard could not continue to accept the oppressive regime, and joined the struggle that culminated in the 1953 heroic and historical Coup d’état attempt. The Leaders and active members of that Coup paid life sacrifices, but set a very significant example.

The struggle continued unabated, especially among the progressive and conscious students, teachers, lecturers, etc.
The Feudal System was getting into a decadent stage in the 1960s and 70s. The sufferings of especially the toiling peasants and workers were getting worse. There was a vicious cycle of starvation, especially in the drought sensitive parts of the Country such as Wollo, Tigray and Hararghe Provinces.

It was the urgent need to respond to those tragic sufferings of our people that necessitated the formation of a strong multinational opposition Party. That was why the EPRP was formed to fill that gap.

All progressive members of citizens from all over the Country supported and joined the party, including students, teachers, peasants, workers, nurses, lecturers, Engineers, Doctors and Professors.   During the Imperial era, the struggle focussed on such slogans as:


That protracted spontaneous popular struggle brought about an end to the Absolute Monarchy. However, that famous popular victory was hijacked by the Military Groups. The similarly continued struggle also brought about an end to the Military dictatorial rule and that was again hijacked by the joint internal and external forces of the EPLF, TPLF and their external sponsors.
Through out those long and protracted struggles, we sacrificed the precious lives of 10s of thousands of innocent and selfless citizens that history will never forget.

Some were captured by the EPLF/TPLF joint sabotage and their whereabouts are not even known, including Tsegaye Gebre Medhin, Aregash Berta, Belete Amaha and Sitotaw Hussein.

Less than a hand-full of ex-members have indeed become traitors, joining the two brutal dictators, to their own humiliation and shame. That is natural as there are always few selfish elements in every sector of the society.
However, through out those 3 repressive Regimes, the EPRP, as a genuine and self-less Party, has rightly refused to compromise on the fundamental questions of :

•    National sovereignty that could easily have secured it a political power before any one else;
•    Sharing power with dictatorial regimes that never had any better qualification, experience, commitment or legitimacy.

I am now in my late 70s. I have supported the genuine Mengistu Neway led attempted Coup d’etat of the 1950s (– covered up by the Imperial servants as “Ye Tahsas Gir Gir”), the historic Ethiopian Students Movements, and the heroic struggle of the EPRP, without jumping from tree to tree for a short – term personal interests, due to my personal consistency, discipline and dedication to democracy. Nothing in this World gives me a better pride than that.


Long live the memory of our great Martyrs!

Victory for our Great People!

  1. Ferede Negash says:

    Thank you for your comments and support the collective organization (EPRP), your letter is a big gift or moral to our organization, we will be strong tommorrow than today. Thank again.

    Ferede negash

  2. Mekuriya Tegegne says:

    Many thanks Ato Meatu for your genuine, factual and historic messages. As you rightly mentioned, the formation of the EPRP was in response to the need to coordinate the popular struggle for equality and freedom. The EPRP is the only opposition Party that made invaluable contributions to leading that popular struggle and paid huge life sacrifices. Destructive elements with selfish vested interests can try to distort the facts. But history is history that nobody can change. A fact is a fact .is a fact.

    I beg all genuine citizens,especially the youth, to gather factual facts and make informed judgements. I beg all senior citizens to witness the truth. We do not have the luxury to play with the fate of our people. Our beloved Mother Land is in a serious trouble. The political system is corrupt and destructive from the top to the bottom. It is a divide and rule system. Meles, the big Devil at the top is gone, not with the fortunes he looted, but bare handed, as he was born. It has been trying its level best to pollute even the religious establishments by appointing Cadres like Aba Gebre Medhin who made the intended damages. He has also followed his comrade in no time.

    Replacements may be made. But there can never be any change so long as the same destructive dictatorial system continues. There shall never be any illusions about the so called appointment of a certain Hailemariam from the centre or south of the Country so long as the Weyanes continue to sit behind behind and role the destructive boat.

    The struggle shall continue unabated. I hope all opposition groups shall learn from the good examples set by the EPRP, cooperate with each other and lead a genuine struggle to shorten the lives of the brutal dictators, before it gets too late.

    Victory to the Ethiopian people!
    Down with the puppets!
    Down with the hod aderoch!


  3. What s nice statement. Wene yiqseqisal.

    Aselefetch mengesha

  4. Berhane T. Desta says:

    Mengistu Neway’s coup d’état is by no way to be supported. What he did was simply a senseless assassination of our Ethiopian patriots who sacrificed their precious life to save our country from fascist rule. To start with he was not well organized to take over power and lead the country. He only focused on killing those he had differences within the hierarchy. These patriots fought the Italians during the five years and after the victory they were trying to set up government, institutions and policies within limited knowledge they had. I don’t think anyone could give me any reason that justifies their killings. For me Mengistu was just senseless killer.

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